Set up a 529 plan. Virginia has a great plan if you don't want to do too much research

birth-age 3

There’s always a temptation to throw money at your problem. But remember there’s nothing you can buy that will make up for what is really needed. And the stuff that accumulates while you try to fix the problem just ends up being a problem on its own.

14, 19

“You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate.” - name escapes me

15, 19, 21

Beware that when you’re first exposed to a new thing: a car, a college tour, house, etc. you will feel AMAZING and totally seduced by the shiny newness. Be cool. Remember that glitters is not gold. Things don’t need to be perfect and even if the house is it doesn’t mean life will be.

15, 18, 21

Save where you can. Spend when you have to. Splurge every once in a while.

15, 21

Paying extra for organic isn’t always worth it but I ALWAYS buy organic apples. They taste better and don’t have the pesticides, etc.


Read "You Can’t buy a Dinosaur with a Dime" by Harriet Ziefert. Teaches kids about earning money through work, making choices, even paying taxes!


Watch the local news together.


"Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." - Ben Franklin This works with money and with other areas: Be faithful in the little things and the bigger things will take care of themselves. For example, if you don't get comfortable with telling little lies then you'll never tell big lies.

9, 13, 19

Some people have more money than sense. Just because u can afford something doesn’t mean you should buy it.


Have them practice making trade offs based on their financial priorities. For example: Pedicure or movie?


Grandpa used to keep a hundred dollar bill stashed discreetly in his wallet “for emergencies.”


Open a Bank Account


Micro-internships. Check out Parker Dewey for ideas.

16, 17, 18

Set up automatic payments so they are initiated on your end, so that you send out money to the bill/ company you’re paying instead of giving them access to take money out of your account.


open your own business


The bull-sh*t never ends. Dealing with the bull-sh*t IS your job. If you think you’ll ever reach a “post-bullsh*t stage in your life, you’re wrong.

12, 15, 19, 21

Get at least 2, preferably 3 estimates on any major expenses for home or car.


Have a yearly “review” right before school year. Raise allowance as appropriate. If they want more money, they’ll have to take on more responsibilities.



Check out the website Brightly for timely and age-appropriate book recommendations. All sorts of subjects and themes.


Buy life insurance when you're young.


“Pay yourself first” means save before you spend. You never know when you’ll need to tap into savings, so build it up early and heartily.


Take the family on periodic “spending fasts.” As an exercise, go a day, a weekend or a week without spending any money. Make due with what you have. Encourage participation. Tie in spending fasts with holidays, lent or in support of a cause.


Misquoting someone here: “It’s not about getting everything you want, it’s about giving everything you have.” Stuff will never satisfy. Pouring yourself into something heart and soul will.

16, 21

Check out the Jesuit Volunteer Corp. A short but deeply meaningful immersion into service, faith in action, selflessness and living on a lot less than you think you need.


Begin planning trip for 10th bday. Maybe to Atlantis in Bahamas or someplace he’d be excited about._____Get him involved in planning and saving.