Write “thank you” notes, send pics of them wearing the outfit Grandma gave, etc. You get so many gifts...Be a grateful recipient.


Take out your aggression on inanimate things, never on people or animals.


Read J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit together


Mindset for a breakup: “I’d rather adjust to your absence than be continually frustrated by your presence.” Can work with romantic partners, jobs, habits...anything you’re hanging on to that you know you should let go of.


If you don’t know where to begin, picture where you want it to end, and work it backwards.

15, 21

When you feel like giving up, rest. But then keep going! So many good things ahead. So many people that are meant to be in your life who you haven’t met yet.


Procrastinating is an Olympic sport for those of us with ADHD. Talk about ways to get “unstuck.” 1. Change your body - move to a different room or take a walk. 2. If you can’t move your body, move your focus. 3. Ask your brain how it’s trying to help you by paralyzing you. 4. Take deep breaths and let go of the shame and self-doubt you feel for getting stuck.

8, 9, 10, 14, 21

“There’s a hole in the side of a boat. It can’t be fixed, it’s never going away, and you can’t get a new boat. This is your boat. What u have to do is bail water out faster than it’s coming in.” -Aaron Sorkin (Newsroom season 3 episode 6.)

17, 21

Never resist a generous impulse.

9, 12, 19

Book “8 Candles and a Tree” about celebrating interfaith holidays.


Talk about how to "go the extra mile."


Kids (and people of all ages) need attention, affection and appreciation. It’s not all they need, but it’s a start!


Surround yourself with people, places and spaces that feed your spirit. At the very least, avoid those that drain your spirit.


Never allow anyone to tell you who you are.


You never know what people are going through. Depression, PTSD, anxiety could look like avoidance, anger, risk-taking, promiscuity, etc. Look out for friends, coworkers and loved ones who may be in pain. You don’t need to solve their problem, just allow for the possibility that they’re going through something. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt and not write off “bad” behavior as a character flaw. Offer a non-judgmental ear.

15, 20

I’m going to keep from telling them how to feel.


Make a Shutterfly book for each year and give it to them on their birthday.


Just for the record, I didn’t vote for Trump. I want my great-grandchildren to know that.


“Where you stand depends on where you sit.” It means your personal situation informs your stance on issues. Try to imagine how you’d vote if you were sitting at a less privileged place.

15, 21

Eat with purpose, not for it. Sometimes the purpose is fuel, sometimes celebration. Eat accordingly!

19, 21

“Anger is a wonderful catalyst but a terrible companion.” - Brene Brown

15, 21

People always say “Be yourself.” That’s good advice but really what does it mean? I think it’s easier to explain what it DOESN’T mean: When you’re being yourself you’re not pretending to be interested in something or someone you’re not. You’re not doing something just to please someone else (or just to tick them off.) You’re not wearing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. You’re not pretending to have fun when you’re not having fun. You’re not trying to impress anyone. You’re not trying to fade into the background. You’re not trying to change anything about yourself or someone else. I think that’s a good start. What does “being yourself” mean to you?

11-14, 18, 21

Go as a family to local high school musical productions.



Start playing Jokers and Marbles. Get it on Amazon or Etsy.


What do you think about the word “refugee?” Let’s talk about what it means. Personally, I don’t understand all the complexities of immigration policy, but I figure anyone who escapes violence and walks hundreds of miles with kids in tow, trying to get to safety and gain an opportunity for a better life for their family can live next-door to me anytime.


Play this every year between 12-21. https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPd2b593U/

12, 14, 16, 21

“Life is good when you are happy, but much better when others are happy because of you.” -Pope Francis Endeavor to make people happy by the work you do, by the way you treat them, by your contributions to the world. But don’t ever try to make someone happy by changing yourself.

13, 17

When they confide in you or tell you something that makes them so vulnerable u don’t know what to tell them, just sat “I’m so glad you told me.” (You’re not alone, I heard you, I’m here and will stay with you until it’s resolved.) re-ticket yearly.


Learn about current trends in social media. Figure out where you draw boundaries, what platforms are allowed and not. Teach them how to stay safe, be positive and kind and always respectful.


Two rules: First, don’t be a sh!tty person. 2. Try to have some fun. Everything else is just “whatever.”

13, 21