Knowing the “right choice” to make isn’t always easy. Sometimes you have to decide then go for it. Make a choice, then make it right.

17, 21

You’re going to be okay if your relationship ends. You were a whole person before them and you’ll be a whole person after. - therapy Jeff

15, 21

When you’re trying to make a positive change and you get sidetracked- don’t fret. Get right back to it as soon as possible. If you backslide into a bad habit, or blow your diet, etc. start back eating right with your next meal (not the next year/ month/week or even next day.) It’s not the falling off the wagon that hurts your progress, it’s the STAYING off the wagon. Everyone flubs-up sometimes. Don’t quit striving toward your goal because you slipped up. Get right back to it!!

14, 17, 21

Best song for a good cry: “And so It Goes” by Billy Joel.

15, 21

Send thank you acknowledgemnt for gifts received



Read Thanks for the Feedback by Heen and Stone. Crucial for ADHD and rejection sensitivity. Wish I had it when I was about to launch into my career!

15, 19, 21

Rain, snow or sleet...Always return the shopping cart to the proper spot in the parking lot.


Read blog post from Parent's Corner: The Letter Your Teenager Can't Write You By Gretchen Schmelzer June 23, 2015


“There’s a hole in the side of a boat. It can’t be fixed, it’s never going away, and you can’t get a new boat. This is your boat. What u have to do is bail water out faster than it’s coming in.” -Aaron Sorkin (Newsroom season 3 episode 6.)

17, 21

Learn about current trends in social media. Figure out where you draw boundaries, what platforms are allowed and not. Teach them how to stay safe, be positive and kind and always respectful.


Explain the concept: "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."


Live a life of dignity and joy.

14, 21

Make a separate piggie bank together for money to donate. Talk about how we manage what we have thoughtfully: Save some, spend some, donate some.


Avoid bird seed or pet food near your home. It attracts mice, rats, ticks, etc. keep bird feeders that use seed a good distance from the house. Try liquid feeders near windows. Or use a feed tray or hulled seeds (little waste.)


Walking at night during the wintertime remember to wear a bright scarf or something reflective. So many pedestrians get hit when it’s dark outside because they’re wearing dark colors and drivers can’t see them.

15, 20

“You’ll never be alone when you carry a poet in your pocket.” - John Adams Bring a book with you wherever you go.

12, 19

Quoting Glennon Doyle: “Things can feel hard and sad and still be exactly right, all at the same time.” She’s referring to her divorce but the sentiment applies to all kinds of tough choices that we all make. Very few choices feel 100% right.


Your good name is the most important credential you’ll ever have. Act with integrity in all things, that ben if it means short-term pain. Build a reputation for honesty, dependability and trustworthiness.

14, 17, 20

Emphasize "First things first." Distraction is always a challenge. Redirect focus to first things first.


Some kids have trouble with learning how to managing their anger and other big feelings. We all do! It’s good to give them grace. But steer clear of those who think mean is cool. You don’t have time for anyone who actually tries to be an a-hole.

6, 9, 12, 16, 21

Get at least 2, preferably 3 estimates on any major expenses for home or car.


Learn to recognize invitations from the Lord - invitations to look at beauty. Invitations for compassion, for learning and for love.


Play this every year between 12-21.

12, 14, 16, 21

Approach difficult conversations looking to learn something, not to prove something.

16, 21

Make "place value cups" as a rainy day activity and way to teach big numbers. (google, youtube or pinterest)


There's an old saying that goes something like "Don't focus on how big your problems are, focus instead on how big your God is." On a certain level, that's way too simple, even trite. But without discounting the real pain you might be experiencing in a moment of crisis, I encourage you to embrace that sentiment. You can't forget about the problem, but you can change your focus, and decide to cling to the goodness of the Lord.


Stuff will happen and you’ll think “I can’t get through this. I can’t go on.” In the moment it really feels that way. But ...You will survive. You’ll find a way. Never give up on yourself. I never will.



Practice not putting stuff off. If it takes 10 seconds or less do it now. Then move up to 30 seconds or less. Keep going up to ~3 minutes. Good example is putting away laundry or emptying dishwasher, etc.


Overflowing toilet 101: Teach how to turn off the water valve and how to plunge. From now on, you break it, you fix it.


Changed behavior is the only real apology.