Book “Rainbow Relatives” is a great resource to be able to kindly, accurately and sensitively answer their questions about LGBTQ families.


Little trick for acne treatment: dandruff shampoo. Wash your face with Head and Shoulders and watch your skin clear up.


A wise friend once told me "Don't dump grace down the drain." Respond to nudges: Speak up even if you're afraid, reach out to someone who's hurting, forgive someone (or yourself.) God is so good and so generous...accept his gifts.


Key to a happy marriage: each of you must love and support the person in front of them. Not the person you married or the person you hope they will grow into. We all change and grow. Not all of it is for the better, especially our looks ha ha. We shouldn’t make our spouse feel obligated to stay the same person they were when we fell in love with them. In marriage as in business as in life: If you’re not growing you’re dying.


Challenge: Memorize and recite The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus.


The universe is cheering for you!

14, 16, 18, 20

Everybody emits energy. What sort of energy do you want to put out into the universe? Your thoughts, actions, prayers, struggles, laughter, etc. that’s all you. Your energy is all your own. Spend some time thinking about what kind of aura to want to have.


Anger is the bodyguard of sadness.

12-15, 21

Read poem “Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver. (“...You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves...”)


Curiosity is life-giving while judgement is soul-sucking. Get curious about yourself and others. Wonder why, try to understand without judging.

12, 16, 20

What do you think about the word “refugee?” Let’s talk about what it means. Personally, I don’t understand all the complexities of immigration policy, but I figure anyone who escapes violence and walks hundreds of miles with kids in tow, trying to get to safety and gain an opportunity for a better life for their family can live next-door to me anytime.


Police officers and members of the military put their lives on the line to protect us. Be respectful of them and thank them for their service.


Bring Christmas cookies to local fire station and police station. (Annually)


Keep your pants on until you (and your partner) are at least 18. Keep your pants on if you or your partner are drunk. Keep your pants on if you or your partner are not 100% enthusiastic about going farther.


Follow your dreams…not your boyfriend’s.


There are all kinds of parenting and mommy blogs with good resources. A quick Google search will get you started.


It matters more “how” you go to college than “where” you go to college.


“Human beings are linked, not ranked.” - Gloria Steinem (f*ck the patriarchy)


Read (or listen to) The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw together as a family. It's broken up into small vignettes so it's easy to get through bit by bit.


Be present. Don’t turn every conversation into a lesson. They stay in their rooms so much because they feel safe there. They’re tired and stressed out and managing a lot of change.


Do feel like you’re where you’re supposed to be?

19, 21

Watch the documentary Kelce (2023)


When trying to make a u-turn with a tight turning radius, go VERY slow. .You’ll be more likely to make it and if you don’t make it you won’t cause damage.)


Just focus on shining on your own terms. Your shine is not dependent on anyone or anything else.


“The Greatest Generation” by Tom Brokaw Listen to audio or read together


Keep going. Push yourself. The struggle makes it all the more worth it.

17, 21

You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. What’s something worth being hated for?

11, 14, 17, 21

Letting go hurts. There's no two ways about it. You just gotta feel it and get through it. Cry. Sweat it out. Sing, run, write, or just scrub floors. You will get through it, and you will be stronger and more compassionate.


Action is the antidote to anxiety.

12, 14, 17, 21

Floss!!! All kinds of health benefits including decreased risk for heart disease and diabetes. Plus you get to keep your teeth. It's a no-brainer.

14, 18, 21