Never take friendships for granted. Show up. Reach out. Be there when they need you. Friends are gifts; tend to those relationships with love.

15, 20

Check into for STEM activities.


Misquoting someone here: “It’s not about getting everything you want, it’s about giving everything you have.” Stuff will never satisfy. Pouring yourself into something heart and soul will.

16, 21

You’re getting stronger by the day. Use your strength to protect, never to intimidate. Abusers and bullies are cowards and just the worst of men.

14, 17, 21

Some men think if they just act like a total $@!#% then people will assume they’re uber intelligent. Just because someone is scary it doesn’t mean he’s scary smart.

15, 21

Read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson together.


Pour energy into what’s right with you and see what happens.

20, 21

A friend of mine lost her son in a horrible accident. She wrote “I don’t believe God caused this but I do believe he can redeem it.” That has stayed with me for years. God doesn’t cause suffering... He showers those who suffer with his grace.


Ask”How can I be a better parent to you?” Listen.


Remind them they’re safe to feel whatever they’re feeling.

2, 12, 21

Your body and brain are always trying to protect you.


Win some, learn some.

14, 17, 21

Some relationships (or jobs) are f*cked, and cannot be unf*cked. Release them and move on.


We can learn, we can evolve. Let yourself be moved by the spirit. More beauty, more service, more humanity, deeper (or questioned) faith, more love. Always more love. That’s the best I can hope for: that you live a life full of love.


Don’t confuse a broken dream for a broken future. Or a broken heart for a broken life.

13, 15, 17, 19, 21

Take a CPR class together. Emphasize importance of staying certified ( or making a habit of watching an online course every year on the same day, like the day after Thanksgiving or something like that.


Never allow anyone to tell you who you are.


You're about to come into a ton of energy and strength. It will seem like a lot to manage at first, but you'll get used to it and learn to use it constructively. Push your limits (within reason.) Challenge yourself.


When he comes to you and tells you he’s in trouble, stay calm. Ask “How can I help you?” Figure it out together. No matter how old he is, he needs to know you’re on his side. There will be time for lessons and consequences, etc. But first, help.

7, 12, 15, 21

Getting your drivers license will depend not only on government requirements (age, passing tests, etc.) but also maturity and trustworthiness.


Quoting Sarah Bessel: “One of the best things Jen Hatmaker has taught me about raising big kids: if they get on the roller coaster of Big Emotions, my main first job is to stay on the platform. I am NOT to get in the car and ride up


Technology doesn’t remove the expectation of good behavior. Be mindful of your manners (and all of our collective humanity) when posting on social media. And no anonymous trolling. If you’re not prepared to sign your name to what you’re putting out there, that’s a good indication you shouldn’t be doing it.

13, 20

“God is gentle and loving. He desires you to have a deep sense of safety in His love.” - paraphrasing Henri Nouwen


Take the family on periodic “spending fasts.” As an exercise, go a day, a weekend or a week without spending any money. Make due with what you have. Encourage participation. Tie in spending fasts with holidays, lent or in support of a cause.


Be extra careful when you’re parking or pulling out of a driveway. It’s hard to see little kids or pets.


Read up on the adolescent brain.

11, 13

It’s best not to cuss but writing bad words is even worse than speaking them. Even in casual texting, etc. Always an asterisk in place of a vowel to avoid being rude.


“Pay yourself first” means save before you spend. You never know when you’ll need to tap into savings, so build it up early and heartily.


Some people think the world owes THEM. They have a backwards. We are servants. How can we best serve?
