Read everything Brene Brown ever wrote.


My favorite actor was Robin Williams.


We are all incurably human.

5, 15, 21

Sesame Street has great resources on teaching finances to little ones.


Birthday traditions: 1) Plant something every year. 2) Birthday interview on camera or voice recording.


Talk to him about applying to Democracy Summer program started by Rep. J. Raskin.


People who have something to prove are dangerous to themselves and others. We are all worthy of love. Remember that.

11, 13, 17, 19, 21

You will never have to hustle for your self-worth. You are worthy of love and respect simply because you exist. Same goes for every other human.


Born To Dance has lessons and also does birthday parties. A dance class is a good way to get up and out of the house on Saturday mornings during the winter months. It'll be fun at this age - while he's still young enough to enjoy it without being self-conscious. Also a good way to get exercise before he's ready for organized sports.


Look into going to college abroad. Research international universities. Spain, Netherlands, etc.

15, 16

Let it go. They’re going to make really stupid choices. I drank AND smoked in high school. We all go through it. They need to be able to trust you and rely on you. They’re navigating the world and they need a safe harbor. Be that safe harbor. It’s more important than fighting over stupid behavior. Let them know you don’t approve - sure, but fighting over stupid stuff is just going to make you both bitter.

14, 15, 16, 17

Resource: the website Ask, Listen and Learn has great material about how to start a conversation about the dangers of under-age drinking.


Stand up (or sit up) straight in photos. Don’t slouch or lean. (You can touch or be close but don’t lean in.)

12, 14, 21

Read (or listen to) The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw together as a family. It's broken up into small vignettes so it's easy to get through bit by bit.


If you’re anything like the rest of your family you will have a lot of opinions -and that’s OK! Just remember a couple of things: First: you have a right to your opinion but you do not have a right to your own facts. facts matter. seek the truth even if i it means you are proven wrong. And second, with regard to opinions’s better to not express them so much if you can help it! You may be the first in the family to get this concept and put it into practice!


Book “Rainbow Relatives” is a great resource to be able to kindly, accurately and sensitively answer their questions about LGBTQ families.


Letting go hurts. There's no two ways about it. You just gotta feel it and get through it. Cry. Sweat it out. Sing, run, write, or just scrub floors. You will get through it, and you will be stronger and more compassionate.


A simple trick to calm your nerves: Name 5 things you can hear right now.


If you get comfortable telling little lies it will be easier to tell big lies. Tell the truth, even on small matters. (Except if your friends ask if they look fat. Then it’s okay to lie!)

13, 18, 21

"Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." - Ben Franklin This works with money and with other areas: Be faithful in the little things and the bigger things will take care of themselves. For example, if you don't get comfortable with telling little lies then you'll never tell big lies.

9, 13, 19

Maria Shriver has lots of great parenting advice. One of my favorites is (paraphrased): “Children need what you need: to be seen, to be talked to, to feel safe and loved.”


Puberty is like putting a 12 year old in the pilot seat of a fighter jet. A total sh*t show at first, then better but still erratic and dramatic until they really get a feel for the speed and the pressure, the gauges, etc. They’ll learn when to question or to trust their instincts. Tell him that he’ll fly this jet for the rest of his life and it will always be dangerous because it’s an effing jet, but he will learn how to fly it expertly. He’ll do good, have fun, accomplish missions and refuel.


Go as a family to local high school musical productions.



Walking at night during the wintertime remember to wear a bright scarf or something reflective. So many pedestrians get hit when it’s dark outside because they’re wearing dark colors and drivers can’t see them.

15, 20

Plan a trip someplace where we can see the Northern Lights.


Plan trip to Bush Gardens late September


Remember that your tend to act like/ think like the people you hang around most. Choose your friends (and your spouse) wisely.

10, 14, 21

Be supportive of someone who is trying to better themselves.


On days when you wake up tired, sick or just not ready to deal with the morning, just get up and take a shower. Turn up the music. Rally!


The Language of the Universe: A Visual Exploration of Mathematics