You don’t have to choose to be single forever to enjoy being single for now.

17, 21

People always say “Be yourself.” That’s good advice but really what does it mean? I think it’s easier to explain what it DOESN’T mean: When you’re being yourself you’re not pretending to be interested in something or someone you’re not. You’re not doing something just to please someone else (or just to tick them off.) You’re not wearing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. You’re not pretending to have fun when you’re not having fun. You’re not trying to impress anyone. You’re not trying to fade into the background. You’re not trying to change anything about yourself or someone else. I think that’s a good start. What does “being yourself” mean to you?

11-14, 18, 21

Get book “Talk to Me First: Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids'Go-To Person about Sex.” by Deborah Roffman.


Shampoo their hair. Nice luxurious shampoo. It’s a treat. In “5 Love Languages” speak, its an act of service and physical touch.

5, 7, 9, 12

Always keep a clean rag within arm’s reach in the car. You never know when you might need to clean-up a spill or smash a spider while driving 50mph.


Ask them to name 2 current or historical figures that they admire and why (one man one woman).


I hope you become more of yourself with every passing year. I love you so.


Stand up (or sit up) straight in photos. Don’t slouch or lean. (You can touch or be close but don’t lean in.)

12, 14, 21

Self-care is active not passive. (Zoning-out on the couch or sleeping all day isn’t self-care.)

13, 15

“Bullies are scared people hiding inside scary people.” -Michelle Obama


You’re gonna be misunderstood a lot. Some people just won’t like you. It’s okay. Wish them well and let it go.

10, 13, 16, 21

Don’t be a mooch! Contribute: To your home, your relationships, your work, your community, your church, your country, the world. Think about how much you get from all these things. It’s so much more from all these things than you could ever pay back, but that doesn’t mean you don’t try. Dig in and contribute wherever you can. Never free-load. That’s not who we are. Be brave and contribute your talent, treasure or whatever you can. Duty and compassion both demand it.


It’s not a project, it’s a practice. (Health, fitness, keeping up with current events, prayer or meditation, housework, reading, etc.)


Kindness is key. Practice being kind even when you don't feel like it. Let's all encourage each other to be kind always. (Or learn how to take a walk or go to our room when we just can't be kind in that moment.)


“The beginning parts are always the scariest.” -Jackson Daily (kid reporter on Today Show.)

10, 12, 16

Gambling is a very tricky thing. It can get out of hand easily because of how the brain works. That initial “rush” of excitement starts to burn pathways, and causes chemical reactions that need to be fed more and more. Before you know it you’re gambling more often and with more money, trying to achieve that rush. Be very, very careful with gambling. Gambling casinos and online gaming know this and they exploit it to make TONS of money. It’s a scam. Avoid gambling all together or step away very early.

16, 18, 19, 21

"Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." - Ben Franklin This works with money and with other areas: Be faithful in the little things and the bigger things will take care of themselves. For example, if you don't get comfortable with telling little lies then you'll never tell big lies.

9, 13, 19

People who have something to prove are dangerous to themselves and others. We are all worthy of love. Remember that.

11, 13, 17, 19, 21

You’re going to be okay if your relationship ends. You were a whole person before them and you’ll be a whole person after. - therapy Jeff

15, 21

"Surround yourself with people who trust and get YOU." - Josh Groban, High Point University 2018 commencement address. Note, I love that quote because it speaks to having a tribe, a close group of friends. But it's also important to surround yourself with people who challenge you, who may not agree with you or have the same perspective as you do.


Whatever your first knee-jerk reaction is, it’s not always the right one. Sleep on it.

14, 17, 21

Go for walks together as a family before or after dinner. Sometimes we go for distance, sometimes we call them "safaris" and look for as many living creatures as we can find.


Sometimes it feels really good to say “no.” (Or “no thank you.” Or “$@!#% no!”)

14, 20

You don’t have to have everything you want. Practice saying “no thank you” to dessert or passing on the purchase you’re considering. Benefits are plentiful: Build self-discipline (which is like a muscle) and you learn you’re really ok and often happier when you don’t indulge a “want.”

13, 15, 21

Stupid is as stupid does - it’s not something you “are” it’s something you do.

4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 21

Don’t be a dick.


Great article on how to explain that bodies AND brains are undergoing rapid changes during adolescence. Re-read and then chat!


Pour energy into what’s right with you and see what happens.

20, 21

“I don’t know what I think until I write about it.” - Joan Didion


Explain the concept: "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."