Best song for a good cry: “And so It Goes” by Billy Joel.

15, 21

Feelings will run high to low. Most days you'll be middle of the road but some days are really high and some will be devastatingly low. I wish I could change that, save you from the really low days, but they're part of life. Know this: They don't last. I've been there too. Everyone has (or will) question if it's even worth going on. It is worth it. Keep on going, do the best you can. It gets better. SO better. Pull yourself out of it if you can, over days, weeks or months. Bad seasons will pass. Although bad “seasons” are normal, clinical depression is a sickness, a hopelessness that you can't pull yourself out of. It's no more possible to snap out of depression than it is to heal your own broken leg. If you're feeling hopeless. If you start having thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, that's illness. Medicine, therapy, other medical treatments treat and cure it. There is no shame in asking for help. People can DIE of this because they're ashamed to get help. It's like dying of a tooth ache because you're afraid of the dentist- such a waste. If you ever need help please tell me, or tell another adult you trust. Your life is worth fighting for.

15, 18, 21

Check in on your friends. Even the ones that seem fine.



Keep difficult conversations brief. Under ten minutes then table it so everyone can process.

13, 14, 16. 19, 21

Begin to teach self-policing. There are plenty of good things that I want them to be able to partake in (alcohol, a trip to Vegas, etc.) but alcohol and gambling are just a few of the things that can sneak up and take hold and RUIN your life if you don’t know how to self-limit. Respect the potential danger and be vigilant. keep re-ticketing and repeat yearly (age-appropriate)


When it comes to conflict- what is your part in things?

15, 21

Anything you deny or fight will fight you back harder. Don’t fight the fear, pain, disappointment, etc. Let it in and let it teach you what it wants to teach you. Then you can part as friends.

15, 21

Be generous in all things. That is my hope for you.

14, 18, 21

I’d rather you be brave than perfect. Take chances. Fail, then pick yourself up and keep going.


Wipe your kids’ tears when they’re sad. Smile with them when they are happy. Hold them close when they are scared. And let them see your tears, smiles, and fears too. This is how you teach them to be a human in this world.


Slip and Slide party!


Remind them they’re safe to feel whatever they’re feeling.

2, 12, 21

When they confide in you or tell you something that makes them so vulnerable u don’t know what to tell them, just sat “I’m so glad you told me.” (You’re not alone, I heard you, I’m here and will stay with you until it’s resolved.) re-ticket yearly.


Let decency be like a religion to you. Practice it …but don’t preach it.


Sometimes I think the best way to take care of them is to teach them to take care of others: Littler kids, sick or disabled, those who’ve been left out.

5-7, 1Infant-12

Clip nails after bath. It’s easier to do when they’re softer. (Teach them the same thing when they’re old enough to do it for themselves.)

1, 10

You think you’re smart now but just wait. Your brain is just getting warmed up. Feed it: books, travel, music, mushrooms.

14, 17, 21

Read J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit together


“The only way out is to love yourself. That’s it. That’s all.” - Valerie Bertinelli

10, 13, 17, 21

Review basic grammar mistakes: Their, they’re and there. “It’s” and “its” “a lot”, etc.


Kindness Confidence = Popular (Be kind to everyone, paying no attention to social status, age, looks, money or disability.) Be confident: Know that you are enough. You’ll never be perfect but no one else is either. When you mess up it’s not the end of the world- laugh at yourself when possible. Learn from failures. Don’t fake interest in people or things that don’t fill you up. Be who you are! People gravitate towards kindness and confidence


Start “home economics” school with them. Laundry, cleaning, cooking, how to change a diaper, comfort a baby, soothe a toddler, what's involved in caring for pets, budgeting for food, keeping track of maintenance schedules for humans, pets, cars and machines. Engage with guests, be a good host, etc. Know when and how to tell someone to GTFO of the house (racist or misogynistic speech, etc.) Every kid needs to learn the art and science of home management. Look for and point out examples in books and movies of good home science skills.

5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21

Being well-read is better (and cheaper) than an advanced degree, especially for broader education. Stay curious and read!! Fiction, non-fiction, biographies ...

15, 18, 21

Quoting Glennon Doyle: “Things can feel hard and sad and still be exactly right, all at the same time.” She’s referring to her divorce but the sentiment applies to all kinds of tough choices that we all make. Very few choices feel 100% right.


Don’t offer them advice until you ask questions: What does a good outcome here look like for you? How much energy are you willing to put into this? Do you feel like you’re being asked to sacrifice a part of who you are if you do this? Is the fear you’re feeling maybe just that initial reaction we all get when something is new and unfamiliar? Stuff like that. Mostly they just need help understanding themselves and encouragement to stay true to themselves.

4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 21

Difficult conversations: Break-ups, layoffs, etc. happen. Practice delivering bad news and getting bad news.


Trust fall. Learn to be vulnerable. You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.

12, 16, 19, 21

Parent the way you want your children to behave. Compassion, patience. Loving.

1, 2, 3, 4

Anger diffuser game to help better understand coping skills when angry


If you sleep with a girl, always call or text the next day. Don't be a d-bag.