Keep a pair of nail clippers in the car - much better lighting outside. Clipping tiny fingernails is terrifying!



Theme: Dignity


Check in on your friends. Even the ones that seem fine.


My mom used to proudly describe herself as an “Irish Catholic Democrat.” I think my dad voted for Reagan once but other than that we’re all pretty liberal.


Read (or listen to) The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw together as a family. It's broken up into small vignettes so it's easy to get through bit by bit.


You don’t have to like everyone you go to school with, or work with. You don’t even have to like your family! BUT, you have to treat everyone with respect and kindness. They are worthy of that no matter what your opinion of them may be.

15, 21

We all want to be liked. But consider what you’re willing to *not* be liked for: If things like kindness and loyalty and being genuinely yourself *cost* you friends, is that a bad thing? Were they really friends then? Try not to do or say anything simply out of a desire to be liked.

11, 13, 16, 21

Look for examples of people who have dealt with loss without giving in to bitterness. What do they have in common?


Reinforce this at every opportunity: “You matter.” Kids respond to this message deeply, whether it comes from a positive source (parents/teacher/coach) or people who are only trying to exploit them.


Quoting Glennon Doyle: “Things can feel hard and sad and still be exactly right, all at the same time.” She’s referring to her divorce but the sentiment applies to all kinds of tough choices that we all make. Very few choices feel 100% right.





Two instances when exercise is unhealthy: when you’re only doing it because you want to lose weight or because you’re terrified you will gain weight.

14, 18, 21

Set up automatic payments so they are initiated on your end, so that you send out money to the bill/ company you’re paying instead of giving them access to take money out of your account.


The Language of the Universe: A Visual Exploration of Mathematics


Some men think if they just act like a total $@!#% then people will assume they’re uber intelligent. Just because someone is scary it doesn’t mean he’s scary smart.

15, 21

Sleep paralysis runs in the family. If you ever feel like you’re awake but you can’t move - don’t panic. It will pass in a minute. It’s just a lag time in your sleep/wake cycle.


Shirts and pants don't go into the laundry inside-out. From now on, they will be responsible for turning their laundry right-side-out. Will help instill that laundry is not done by the laundry fairy.


Life is hard. But it's not so hard you can't figure it out. You're going to be fine. xoxo


Just love them. With all your might, them for who they are, and where they are. Forget about the other stuff.


You have yet to meet so many parts of yourself. All kinds of different people, places and experiences will draw those parts out of you.

15, 18, 21

A useful opening line in a conversation (personal, parenting or professional) is “What should I know about ...”. It shows you understand you have something to learn, and it makes people feel valued. “What should I know about what’s going on at football practice?”




Talk about how to "go the extra mile."


“God is gentle and loving. He desires you to have a deep sense of safety in His love.” - paraphrasing Henri Nouwen


A wise friend once told me "Don't dump grace down the drain." Respond to nudges: Speak up even if you're afraid, reach out to someone who's hurting, forgive someone (or yourself.) God is so good and so generous...accept his gifts.


Most people are good. Some are bad. Many are crazy.

15, 21

I don’t want you to do drugs. It could hurt or $@!#% you. If you get caught doing drugs it could hurt your academic record

12, 15, 18

Practice sitting still and quiet. Make it a game. Helps with focus and impulsivity.


You can be angry. But you can’t drive while angry or talk to a child or work, or do anything dangerous when you’re angry.

15, 20