No matter how smart you are or how much you know, you still don’t know everything. ALWAYS be willing to learn and to change your position when faced with new information or perspective.

15, 20

Universal Studios


SAT Prep


Just love them. With all your might, them for who they are, and where they are. Forget about the other stuff.


Discuss the definition And ramifications of sexual misconduct (harassment, consent, etc.)


It’s so tempting to write someone off, to dismiss them as “less than.” They’re too young or too old to be taken seriously. They speak a different language or have a different skin color. They may be poor, uneducated, disabled or just simply unattractive. RESIST that temptation. Remember that every human being is God’s creation, a masterpiece cloaked in dignity. No matter what they look like or even what they’ve done, everyone you meet is deserving (and in need) of respect. To be humble is to remember this. (Start lesson young, phrased age-appropriately, and reticket yearly. Look for opportunities to discuss.)

8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 21

Educate yourself. You can't solve a problem if you don't understand it.


Watch awards shows (Oscars, Grammy's, Tony's, ESPY's, Image Awards and CNN Heroes awards.) Be a part of your times, appreciate others' accomplishments. Be inspired.


Sometimes there’s nothing you can say or do to help someone feel better. In times like that, just make sure you don’t make it worse.

14, 18, 21

Teen years are a whole other ballgame. Find a community and stay up with trends and news. Check out the website Raising Teens Today.


Surround yourself with people and ideas that inspire you and captivate you. Life is too short for destructive relationships.

13, 18

Defending yourself from a bear: NEVER run from or turn your back on a bear. Remember the rhyme: “If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown hit the ground, if it’s white like Similac, frozen bear gonna send u back.” - Mamadou Ndiaye


To avoid miscommunication and misplaced expectations, tell your partner what you need from them. But if what you need is for them to be a different person, that’s not fair to them or to you. Let them go and set about finding the right person.

18, 20

Look into Rustic Pathways to see the world and do some good.



Sometimes you just have to let go. Let go of a relationship, or a dream, or plans. Let go of a person, a pet, or an object. It's hard. It takes a lot of trust. Trust the Lord will heal the wound, no matter how deep. His goodness is infinite.


Listen to books of love letters. I forget the title but one of the Bush twins wrote a book about her grandparents (George and Barbara). Stories about real love, real life. Fiction is great too but having a real world examples of happy partnerships is gold.


“The only way out is to love yourself. That’s it. That’s all.” - Valerie Bertinelli

10, 13, 17, 21

Take advantage of all the help that’s available to you! Counselors, advisors, mentors, etc. Then pay it forward when you’re in a position to do so.


It’s when the sh*t hits the fan that real discipleship begins.


Thinking of asking her out? Want to apply for a job that sounds great? Remember you start off at “No.” You currently do not have a date with her. If you ask and she says no, you’ve lost nothing.

15, 17, 21

Create tech-free zones and times.

10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21

Take a CPR class together. Emphasize importance of staying certified ( or making a habit of watching an online course every year on the same day, like the day after Thanksgiving or something like that.


Remember the hymn we used to sing at bedtime when you were little? “What Does the Lord Require of You?” To seek justice. To love kindness. To walk humbly with your God. (Walk humbly means to remember God is so very good. That he loves you and is for you and wants you to talk to him, listen for him, love him, serve him.) No matter what religion you practice (or don’t practice) I hope you’ll remember that.


SAT prep


ABC's of video game addiction: Autonomy, Belonging, Control. Try to find ways to developing these things in areas outside of gaming. Games are great, but not at the expense of everything else.



I just want to to know that I didn’t know what the $@!#% I was doing. It’s a miracle you turned out so beautifully! Just know you don’t have to have it all figured out. You’re going to have a wonderful life. xoxo - Mom


Whatever you choose to do, do it well and there will always be a demand for you. (Quoting Adam Schiff from his book “Midnight in Washington.”


Enroll in cooking lessons. We'll need to find you someone who knows how to cook. (Don't tell mom I said that.)


Play to win but play fair. Be a gracious winner. Someone has to lose. Sometimes it will be you. Don’t whine.


Sometimes you have to put aside how you feel about a person and objectively look at how their actions show how they feel about *you.*