Technology doesn’t remove the expectation of good behavior. Be mindful of your manners (and all of our collective humanity) when posting on social media. And no anonymous trolling. If you’re not prepared to sign your name to what you’re putting out there, that’s a good indication you shouldn’t be doing it.

13, 20

Keep stuff on hand for guests. Be ready to be a good host / hostess at any moment.



Spend time with people you admire, in person and biographies, documentaries, novels and movies.

14-17, 21

Always stand up to shake someone’s hand. (NEVER shake a person’s hand while sitting.) Always get up out of your seat to greet a guest and walk them to the door when they leave.


Happiness, beauty, health, fun, success: define for yourself what each of those things mean. People and society are gonna try and convince you to share their definitions…don’t let them.

13, 15, 17, 21

To calculate military time starting at 1300, subtract 12.


It’s your civic duty to vote (including midterms!) Be an informed voter.

16, 18

Always wear an undershirt underneath a dress shirt.


Figure out a way to teach the concept of zero-sum game vs. how giving and sharing actually compounds love and goodness. Someone else getting a fair shake, or attention from someone you like, or well-earned rewards or recognition does not take away from us. Celebrate those victories and encourage others to reach for more instead of jealously guarding what you have.


Marry your hero.


It’s not fair to resent someone for being who they are. We can all improve ourselves, learn and grow etc. but we should never ask anyone to change who they are in exchange for our love. And that goes both ways - never change who you are to fit someone else’s idea of who you should be. Be open to ways to can improve yourself of course, but surround yourself with people who love you for you and encourage you to be your genuine self and who want the best for you.

12, 15, 18, 21

Don't let the laundry pile up. This lessons extends to pretty much every chore: Stay ahead of it and you won't get crushed by it.


No one knows what they’re doing. Just be kind and brave and curious. You don’t have to have it figured out.


Golf lessons. Grampa loved golf, if he were here he would have taught you himself.


Unkind people are unhappy people.

8, 18

Set up a dog agility course in the backyard. Use household items or toys, etc and lots of dog treats for training.


They’re gonna be pretty mean to you for a few years. Love them, if only to spite them! (ha ha)

11. 12, 13

If baby / toddler is melting down, put them in the bathtub or bring them outside. A change in temperature will calm them.


Remember Mom's birthday


Read JAMA article by Brooke Peterson Gabster.


Be mindful of privilege. Discuss the concept, point it out where you see it.



I want to talk about when NOT to join in. Friends are great and feeling like we belong feels so good. But there are times I hope you muster the courage not to go along: Never cause anyone or anything pain in order to be liked. Don't confuse cruelty for humor. Never participate in things that may cause harm to yourself or others. Can you think of some things you want to make sure you don't go along with?


Read A Mother’s Reckoning by Sue Klebold (mother of Columbine shooter.)


You can’t hit ‘em all outta the park. Some days (dates, reviews, vacations, report cards, etc.) are just going to fall flat. No worries, the next one will be better.

15, 19

Respect people’s boundaries / quirks. Someone who “doesn’t fly” may have fear of enclosed spaces due to anxiety or past trauma. Someone who doesn’t drink may have had a parent who was an abusive alcoholic. Don’t laugh, question or prod. If they want to talk about it, fine. Otherwise just accept their boundaries.

15, 21

Concussion testing - baseline


YouTube Hank Green “Study Hall.” It talks about navigating the mess of college and career choices, like choosing a major (and what a major is!) What interests align with which majors, etc.

12, 15, 16

When you begin dating it’s all butterflies and moonbeams. Eventually you’re going to do or say something that hurts the other person and vice versa. For that matter, eventually you’ll disagree about something. It’s VERY important to consider how they handle it. Nobody is perfect, it may not be pretty but it had better be civil. If not, don’t think for a second that they will change. Get outta there.

15, 21

Anger is the bodyguard of sadness.


Puberty is like putting a 12 year old in the pilot seat of a fighter jet. A total sh*t show at first, then better but still erratic and dramatic until they really get a feel for the speed and the pressure, the gauges, etc. They’ll learn when to question or to trust their instincts. Tell him that he’ll fly this jet for the rest of his life and it will always be dangerous because it’s an effing jet, but he will learn how to fly it expertly. He’ll do good, have fun, accomplish missions and refuel.