I hope you don’t have to struggle with your weight. For me it’s been a lifelong battle. Some things I learned are: Listen to your body and eat when you’re hungry. Eat as many vegetables as possible. Ignore the scale and focus on other goals, ones that are in your control such as how long you can run (or dance, or row, etc.) Reading a book instead of plopping down in front of the tv with a bowl of ice cream, saying “no thanks” to a treat. Focusing on pounds lost or gained is deflating. Stay in good shape for as long as you can! Make your health a priority. It’s much harder to get in shape than to stay in shape.


My favorite actor was Robin Williams.


Eat with purpose, not for it. Sometimes the purpose is fuel, sometimes celebration. Eat accordingly!

19, 21

Surprise! You’re not perfect. No one is. Do your best, but don’t expect perfection from yourself or any other human, young or old. Have compassion...We’re all in this together and we need each other to be kind and encouraging.

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What problem do you want to solve in the world?


Try not to confuse excess with quality. It’s okay not to have the biggest house on the block. It’s okay not to drive the fanciest car.


Just let a sweet moment be. There’s a time for jokes or small talk, but sometimes silence is best.


“If you want to be beautiful, make beautiful choices.” - (Greek philosopher whose name I can’t remember.)

10, 13, 17, 21

One of the most difficult things in life will be to embrace difficult and unfamiliar ways in order to grow or heal. But doing so is the only way we can grow or heal. You can do hard things. Breathe deep and take it by moment if you have to.

18, 21

What does it mean to grow up? Sacrifice- When you put someone else’s needs before your own. Responsibility- When you can be counted on to do what’s right and also to do what has to be done. Trustworthiness- You keep your word.Sincerity - You are true to yourself and don’t pretend in order to fit in. It’s about choices and actions and deciding what you value and then building a life around those values.


If your car is overheating turn on the heat full blast. It draws heat off the engine.


Re-Read "Girls and Sex: Navigating the New Landscape" by Peggy Orenstein.


Ditch the serving bowls, plates, tablecloth and utensils. Cover middle of table in tinfoil for the food. Give each kid a tinfoil placemat in lieu of a plate. Let them eat with their fingers. (Works great with spaghetti, chicken, ribs, shrimp, etc. Try it with ice-cream and cake for a birthday party!


If you ever borrow someone’s car, return it with a full tank of gas.


Just because you miss your ex that doesn’t mean you want them back. Of course you miss someone you had a deep connection with.

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Japanese multiplication (counting lines.)


“Be brave. Be resilient. Be kind. Be grateful.” -Hillary Rodham Clinton


Checkout Bedtime Math app. It’s a tool to make math fun.


Research says working with your hands is good for your mind and spirit. Even if it’s just folding laundry or doing yard work. Let’s find a hobby u might like working with your hands.


Toddler years: Tater tots make everything better. The smaller ones cook faster and you don't have to turn them.


Thomas Jefferson’s Ten Rules of Conduct. This makes a good exercise for penmanship or for writing “lines” as instructional punishment.


“Anger is a wonderful catalyst but a terrible companion.” - Brene Brown

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Don’t confuse impulsive with courageous.

10, 14, 19, 21

Check your ego and question your motives. Are you in it for the right reasons or because of how it would look if you weren’t? Do you feel like you need to be a hero or the smartest one in the room? If the answer is yes I would strongly recommend that you get right with yourself.

13, 16, 19, 21

Soap and water go a long way towards fixing many problems.

12, 19

“Beer muscles” is when guys gain a sense of indestructibility, an exaggerated sense of their own strength. Fights and aggressive behavior ensues.


“It’s not as important how a message is received compared to how it is sent.” Sometimes you have to have uncomfortable conversations but the can always be kind and loving. Sometimes your message won’t land well, but if you expressed yourself truthfully and kindly, that’s not your burden to bear.


“Natural” deodorant doesn’t work. Go with trusted brands here. There are times when it’s fine not to look your best, but stinky is never okay.

13, 18

If you see a kid sitting alone, he or she might be your next best friend. Go say hi! Ask him/her to sit next to you / play on your team, etc. No need to worry about whether that person is “too cool” or “not cool enough,” they’re just a kid. Like you.


Inevitably you will make mistakes in your career. Someone will dress you down for it. It stings. But they are doing you a favor. Thank them for it. We all have to learn, and we can’t do that if our pride gets in the way. Be humble and accept constructive criticism.

16, 21