You never know what people are going through. Depression, PTSD, anxiety could look like avoidance, anger, risk-taking, promiscuity, etc. Look out for friends, coworkers and loved ones who may be in pain. You don’t need to solve their problem, just allow for the possibility that they’re going through something. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt and not write off “bad” behavior as a character flaw. Offer a non-judgmental ear.

15, 20

Be willing to say “I don’t know” if you don’t know! Don’t just make stuff up.

15, 20

open your own business


“Write hard and clear about what hurts.” - Ernest Hemingway

12, 15, 21

Make sure they have resources other than us. Hotlines for teens such as Boys Town National Hotline, National $@!#% Prevention Lifeline, etc.


Let’s talk about hungry kids. What can we do to help? Donate? Volunteer? Start a Little Free Pantry?


Before a play date or sleepover ask the parent “Are there any unlocked guns in the house?”


Getting your drivers license will depend not only on government requirements (age, passing tests, etc.) but also maturity and trustworthiness.


Remember this: “It’s not always about you.” It’s a natural tendency to take things personally- someone’s bad mood, or not paying attention to you, or not calling, etc. But most times when we see people acting shy/aloof/crabby or mean - it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with them, and what they’re experiencing. Try (a) not to take things personally and (b) to have compassion for people, who are all going through something.

12, 16, 20

Of all the things I worry about, addiction is very high on the list. Begin talks (age appropriate) about addiction.




Life isn’t a straight line, it’s so much more complex than that! Good things, bad things, boring or interesting things are all always happening. And always changing. So are you. And that’s good.

17, 21

Unkind people are unhappy people.

8, 18

Girls forget a good bit of compliments they receive but they remember every single insult. Speak gently, remind them they’re beautiful. Never qualify it.

12, 14, 17

I would rather deal with a big truth than a little lie. Whatever it is you’re going through we can solve it together but only if we’re both honest.


Santa not being real


If you’re easily offended you are easily manipulated. So take a breath and turn off your ego.

14, 19, 21

Maria Shriver has lots of great parenting advice. One of my favorites is (paraphrased): “Children need what you need: to be seen, to be talked to, to feel safe and loved.”


Before heading out for a good time, make a mental note on the ways you could wreck or end your life if bad stuff happened: Sick/hurt/dead from alcohol or drugs, unintended pregnancy, or being raped (or being charged with rape.) What do u have to do to protect yourself and keep things from going from good times to life-changing nightmare. Keep your wits about ya. And look out for your friends too.

15, 17, 18, 19, 21

Don’t bring a complaint without offering a solution.

17, 19, 21

You always have a choice. Always.

15, 19, 21

Rent kayaks.


Just fill ‘em with love. Every other parenting mistake or deficit can be fixed, but if a child grows up thinking it’s not loved and doesn’t have a place in this world, that is a recipe for permanent and painful damage. Not necessarily “spoil” them, but cut them slack as often as possible. Just love ‘em up.


You don’t have to choose to be single forever to enjoy being single for now.

17, 21

Always have a 5 year plan. Be thinking of goals you want to work towards, however big or small. What inspires you? What drives you? What do you want to accomplish or cure or solve?

15, 17, 21

Someone I admire is __________. Talk about someone you admire and why. Ask them to do the same. Do this often as you can. Reticket through age 18.


Make yourself a good hand. Don't wait to be asked, just jump in when you see a need. Wash a dish, make a bed, change a tire, help out a friend or a stranger whenever you can.


Reinforce this at every opportunity: “You matter.” Kids respond to this message deeply, whether it comes from a positive source (parents/teacher/coach) or people who are only trying to exploit them.


You will never have to hustle for your self-worth. You are worthy of love and respect simply because you exist. Same goes for every other human.


Look for glimmers. The opposite of triggers. Feels of elation, belonging, peaceful contentment. I just watched you glimmer as you delighted in your first Crunchbox. “I made this!!!”

12, 15, 19, 21