The opposite of addiction is connection.

11, 14, 17, 20

Jumper cables 101


Alka-Seltzer is great for a hangover or even better, take it before you go to bed after partying. Disclaimer I’m talking about a few drinks. For the love of everything holy, please don’t ingest insane amounts of alcohol at a time. Buzzed is fun, drunk is stupid. And dangerous. Never drive once you’ve had a drink or weed.


Let’s talk about hungry kids. What can we do to help? Donate? Volunteer? Start a Little Free Pantry?


If you’ve never dressed a newborn before, an easy way to get the hang of it is to lay the outfit flat on the bed and then place the baby on top of it. Tuck her little arms and legs inside one at a time, then zip or snap them in. Done!


Porn: I wish I could keep you away from it entirely but at least I will prepare you. It’s normal to be curious, etc. but like anything else, it can get to be too much and can be very harmful, especially to a very young person. It can disrupt your healthy sexuality, ruin your relationships and even your career (no porn at work!) Also keep in mind it is a business designed to make money, not to be realistic. That's not the way sex looks. Also the women are NOT enjoying themselves. So try to avoid it, but at least keep it to a minimum!


“We don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are. - Prince Harry Or to put it simply, wherever you go, there you are.

12, 15, 21

Getting dumped from a bad relationship or fired from a job that’s killing you is kind of like pooping your pants: Horrifying...but also a little bit of relief. Keep your perspective and you’ll be fine. xoxo.


I don’t want you to do drugs. It could hurt or $@!#% you. If you get caught doing drugs it could hurt your academic record

12, 15, 18

Check your ego. Often.

17, 21

Sometimes I think the best way to take care of them is to teach them to take care of others: Littler kids, sick or disabled, those who’ve been left out.

5-7, 1Infant-12

A person is only as good as how they treat you when they are angry with you.


Respect people’s privacy. No snooping, eavesdropping, peeping, etc.


“Pay yourself first” means save before you spend. You never know when you’ll need to tap into savings, so build it up early and heartily.


Practice staying calm under pressure. The pop-up game “Perfection” is a fun way.

10, 12, 15, 17, 21

Birds of a feather flock together


Marriage tip: King sized blanket on Queen size bed.


“Open your eyes and see what you can, until they close forever.” - All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Dorr. See the world! Learn science, appreciate art and books, meet people and be genuinely interested in them. Engage in the fight for justice, resist fascism and dictators. Share what you have and who you are. Putting up walls is a waste of time. Yes, there will be pain. But you will be able to face it with grace, grit, courage and with the love of others. Make love! But remember if they’re too drunk to drive, they’re too drunk to consent. And be sure you’re both on the same page so you can avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings (yours and theirs). Don’t kiss and tell. Be protective but never possessive. Just be a man, you know? (man/woman/grownup human.) Be safe - $@!#% is forever.

15, 16, 17, 18, 21

Teach car maintenance: Adding air to tires, checking oil, etc.


Go as a family to local high school musical productions.


Great article on how to explain that bodies AND brains are undergoing rapid changes during adolescence. Re-read and then chat!


Talking to people you disagree with is sometimes difficult. But it doesn’t have to be. Enter every conversion assuming you have something to learn.

14, 18, 21

Recruit the kids to help with cleaning the house. All hands on deck "round-ups" are fun and efficient: Round up sippy cups, trash, dirty laundry, give-aways, etc. Time them for maximum enthusiasm: "60 second trash round up...Go!" See who can collect the most trash in 60 seconds.


Physical contact between two people is only fun / appropriate / legal / healthy if both people are into it. If one party objects, demurs or even acts less-than-interested, that’s the ballgame. Stop physical contact immediately. Be kind and respectful at all times.

15, 18

If you can’t afford to tip the server, you can’t afford to be there.


Read "You Can’t buy a Dinosaur with a Dime" by Harriet Ziefert. Teaches kids about earning money through work, making choices, even paying taxes!


Help him practice having tense conversations without getting a tone of voice.


Make a separate piggie bank together for money to donate. Talk about how we manage what we have thoughtfully: Save some, spend some, donate some.


In the wise words of Taylor Swift, you don’t have to forgive or forget in order to move on. You can just…move on.

15, 21

Let’s look for examples of bravery.