Check out Harmonia School on Mill St Music Art Theatre


You think you’re smart now but just wait. Your brain is just getting warmed up. Feed it: books, travel, music, mushrooms.

14, 17, 21

make your own latch board / "busy board" for plenty of hours of learning and entertainment. Find lots of great ideas on Pinterest.


You can be angry. But you can’t drive while angry or talk to a child or work, or do anything dangerous when you’re angry.

15, 20

C.S. Lewis books. (Children’s and adult.)

12, 21

People will speak or act in all kinds of unpleasant ways. Stay calm and kind.


Emphasize "First things first." Distraction is always a challenge. Redirect focus to first things first.


Once a relationship goes from loving someone as they are to trying to change them into something you want them to be, it’s doomed. We can challenge, inspire and educate those we love, but in the end we have to accept them as they are and embrace them warts and all. (They’re doing the same for us.)


“Forget about sex. Just play first.” Forget about making a move and just have fun. Dance, listen to music together, go somewhere exciting, look at something beautiful, read to each other, play sports, let yourself be seen and encourage them to do the same. Communicate in a hundred ways: talk/send texts/ post on social media, pass notes, whatever. Sex isn’t the door to intimacy, feeling safe to be yourself around your partner is.


Plastic stackable dresser - 5 drawers labeled for days of the week. Put outfits in each. No drama emergencies on school days, the week’s wardrobe is planned out.


Bring Christmas cookies to local fire station and police station. (Annually)


Give your all on the job, from your first day to your last day there. If you’re all caught up on your work help someone else with theirs.

17, 21

No matter how late you are, don’t speed or drive unsafely. It’s not worth someone’s life or limbs.

18-18, 21

There's an old saying that goes something like "Don't focus on how big your problems are, focus instead on how big your God is." On a certain level, that's way too simple, even trite. But without discounting the real pain you might be experiencing in a moment of crisis, I encourage you to embrace that sentiment. You can't forget about the problem, but you can change your focus, and decide to cling to the goodness of the Lord.


I like to say a Hail Mary just to join the chorus, to add my voice to the millions who are praying in that moment. The world has plenty of people thinking or doing horrible things, we need to add to the good, add to the beauty as much as possible at every turn. Saying a quick prayer is sometimes all I can muster.


Life is difficult...Focus on the joy.

16, 20

Golf lessons this year. Your grandpa loved golf. He tried to teach me when he first got sick, and those are some of my best memories of him. Great way to get fresh air and exercise too.


A simple trick to calm your nerves: Name 5 things you can hear right now.


Happiness, beauty, health, fun, success: define for yourself what each of those things mean. People and society are gonna try and convince you to share their definitions…don’t let them.

13, 15, 17, 21

Thinking of asking her out? Want to apply for a job that sounds great? Remember you start off at “No.” You currently do not have a date with her. If you ask and she says no, you’ve lost nothing.

15, 17, 21

Stay away from anything or anyone that denies or disparages a person’s humanity. (Or a group’s humanity.)


Even when something’s not the right fit (job interview, blind date, audition, etc.) you’re still making connections. You never know what could happen, so stay engaged and be yourself. Maybe that blind date who’s not into you has a friend who might be. Maybe that casting director will call you for a totally different role. Chin up! Ride the positive vibes you put out into the universe.

12,18, 21

Have them practice making trade offs based on their financial priorities. For example: Pedicure or movie?


Failures are part of life. Feel free to fail. But behave with honor. Never do anything to tarnish your good name.

14, 18

Painful or unpleasant emotions can’t grow if you stay in the present. (Easy way to do this is to focus on your breathing.)

10, 13, 16, 21

Don’t let some dumb-sh*t’s overconfidence get you killed.

11, 14, 17, 19, 21

You are never too old to play in the snow.


Start explaining wants vs. needs. Continue explaining for the next 30 years. We don’t always get what we want. That’s okay. 4 year olds can begin to understand this.


Pretty much everything boils down to looking for love, its many forms. Look in good (creative) places. Avoid looking for love in bad (destructive) places.

15, 17, 19, 21