They’re gonna be pretty mean to you for a few years. Love them, if only to spite them! (ha ha)

11. 12, 13

Talking to people you disagree with is sometimes difficult. But it doesn’t have to be. Enter every conversion assuming you have something to learn.

14, 18, 21

Check out First Stage and Wolftrap performances


Teach them that when we hear sirens it means someone is in trouble but help is on the way.


Staying calm is 90% of the battle. Practice.

13, 15, 18, 21

Keep going. Push yourself. The struggle makes it all the more worth it.

17, 21

Read article about Digital Learning/ transitioning to doing homework on a computer.


Never resist a generous impulse.

9, 12, 19

Recruit the kids to help with cleaning the house. All hands on deck "round-ups" are fun and efficient: Round up sippy cups, trash, dirty laundry, give-aways, etc. Time them for maximum enthusiasm: "60 second trash round up...Go!" See who can collect the most trash in 60 seconds.


I want you to remember that for the first three years of your life I couldn’t take a poop without you on my lap. So there will be no shirking hugs from Mom now that you’re a teenager. xoxo


A simple trick to calm your nerves: Name 5 things you can hear right now.


“If the pain was deep you will have to let it go many times.” Yung Pueblo from book Lighter

15, 18, 21

Pick a project on and work on it together this winter.


Always hold the door open for the next person.


Any thought about self-harm is like a “check engine” light going off for your brain. Seek professional help. You will recover.

12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21

Take out your aggression on inanimate things, never on people or animals.


Emphasize "First things first." Distraction is always a challenge. Redirect focus to first things first.


Today is not the day to lose your sh*t. Deep breaths, cold water, do your hair. You’re gonna be just fine.


Google earth app means there's always a globe at hand. Point out states, countries or oceans when we hear about them.


The problems with pornography: When you’re young and have yet formed a basis for healthy and mutually satisfying sexual relationships, your brain doesn’t know what to do with that input. It becomes part of your brain, imprinted as normal or the way sex should be. When you’re older, the brain can see something that’s outrageous and recognize it and discard it. Also it’s incredibly misogynistic, will do horrible things for the way you see women. While some is fairly harmless and totally normal, even too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Too much of a bad thing is disastrous.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Read "A Wrinkle in Time" (me too.)


Take the family on periodic “spending fasts.” As an exercise, go a day, a weekend or a week without spending any money. Make due with what you have. Encourage participation. Tie in spending fasts with holidays, lent or in support of a cause.


Show them a picture of a riptide and explain about swimming parallel to the shore instead of fighting it. Google Outer Banks NC green fluorescent dye in riptide.


Practice people skills: Firm handshake, introducing yourself, being courteous when encountering / being on receiving end of someone’s rude behavior, offering your seat (never sit while someone with gray hair, pregnant belly, any sort of injury or really anyone who is older or who works harder is standing.)


Take advantage of all the help that’s available to you! Counselors, advisors, mentors, etc. Then pay it forward when you’re in a position to do so.


Pour energy into what’s right with you and see what happens.

20, 21



Sometimes you’ll be in the wrong side of history. When you discover you’re wrong, move to the right side of history. When I first started training as a nurse it was the early 1990’s. HIV/$@!#% was pretty new. I remember telling my fellow student I would double glove and take any “over the top” precautions I wanted to. That was my fear and ignorance talking. Amazing how cozy self-righteousness makes you feel. I was wrong. Always look at the issue through the lens of humanity.

16, 21

“When it comes to consequences, don’t speak what you won’t serve.” Meaning don’t threaten any punishment you’re not willing to enforce. This is helpful in terms of teaching the child a lesson and also an important lesson in not shooting yourself in the foot. (I took away your tv one day you were home on a snow day. Bad idea. That punishment was against my own interest! I got no work done.


You’re gonna want to quit, many times. Whether it’s a job, a marriage, a degree, a cause… whatever. I have no way of knowing whether or not you should quit, just know that feeling like you want to quit is normal when you hit a setback or disappointment, or rejection or betrayal. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to feel that way forever. Sometimes it’s best to cut your losses, sometimes it’s better to stick it out. Treat yourself with patience and compassion while you consider what’s best.

14, 17, 21