When setting off fireworks...Keep a hose or a bucket of water nearby. Also remember Costco is a great place to buy them!

5, 7, 9

Read article about Digital Learning/ transitioning to doing homework on a computer. http://community.today.com/parentingteam/post/it-doesnt-have-to-stay-on-the-screen


Failed? Lift yourself up, or live there. You know the work you need to do, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, etc. So do it. Do the work. The only bitterness in failure comes from not having the guts to get back up again.

12, 16, 18, 20, 21

Practice sitting still and quiet. Make it a game. Helps with focus and impulsivity.


Be yourself. No need to pretend to like something the crowd is doing. Half of them are probably just as unenthused as you are but are afraid to say so.

12, 15

Explain what “On my honor” means.


Learn what triggers you. It’s probably just two or three things. Work on your issues

14, 18. 21

Let’s talk about how we can bless people - with what we have and by how we act.


Jumper cables 101


There’s a difference between looking cool and being cool. A person who wants to look cool is trying to impress other people. A person who is actually cool is true to himself /herself. Dress how it makes YOU happy! And fun fact, it’s those people who are the most well-liked because they sort of give others permission to be themselves…and everyone wants to be seen and liked for who they really are. So if you want to be popular remember three things: Be kind. Be yourself. Don’t judge


Any thought about self-harm is like a “check engine” light going off for your brain. Seek professional help. You will recover.

12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21

Check into Brilliant.org for STEM activities.


You’re going to be okay if your relationship ends. You were a whole person before them and you’ll be a whole person after. - therapy Jeff

15, 21

Action is the antithesis of anxiety.


Practice sitting and standing "like a statue" to teach them how to be still. Start with a goal of 5 or 10 seconds, gradually move to 2 minutes. Same thing for "silent game" to teach them how to stay quiet when they need to. Bribery helps teaching this concept!


open your own business


Sometimes you’ll be in the wrong side of history. When you discover you’re wrong, move to the right side of history. When I first started training as a nurse it was the early 1990’s. HIV/$@!#% was pretty new. I remember telling my fellow student I would double glove and take any “over the top” precautions I wanted to. That was my fear and ignorance talking. Amazing how cozy self-righteousness makes you feel. I was wrong. Always look at the issue through the lens of humanity.

16, 21

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” - Winston Churchill

16, 21

My ballet teacher used to punish us by making us sit on the floor and hold our arms up. It hurts! But you learn how to sit with pain. You learn how to endure and how to use your mind to make your muscles really don’t want to do.

14, 20

Go out of your way to part on good terms whenever possible, in all circumstances.


Be teachable. If you walk around thinking you know it all, your career and relationships will suffer. Consider how much you have to learn and welcome any opportunity to learn. “Teach me” instead of “I don’t know.”


We don’t snoop. Never read a correspondence (email, letter, text, note, etc.) that is not intended for your eyes, or listen in to a conversation that is not intended for your ears. The right to privacy is sacred. Always respect people’s privacy and set the expectation that others do the same for you.


Major life events such as the birth of a baby, graduations, new job, (lost job) are a big deal. Make a fuss. Take an interest in loved ones’ experiences. Acknowledge their feelings. Express a sincere interest in others (young and old) will profoundly affect your relationships.

15, 19

Don’t bring a complaint without offering a solution.

17, 19, 21

No matter how late you are, don’t speed or drive unsafely. It’s not worth someone’s life or limbs.

18-18, 21

If you’re easily offended you are easily manipulated. So take a breath and turn off your ego.

14, 19, 21

Change “I need to” to “this matters because”. Instead of “I need to walk the dog” say “it matters that I walk the dog because he needs exercise and to check p-mail.” (Helps!)

8, 11, 16, 21

Knowing something is right and application of it are two different things. To apply yourself takes discipline. Practice it.


Always keep a clean rag within arm’s reach in the car. You never know when you might need to clean-up a spill or smash a spider while driving 50mph.


A useful opening line in a conversation (personal, parenting or professional) is “What should I know about ...”. It shows you understand you have something to learn, and it makes people feel valued. “What should I know about what’s going on at football practice?”