Don’t be a mooch! Contribute: To your home, your relationships, your work, your community, your church, your country, the world. Think about how much you get from all these things. It’s so much more from all these things than you could ever pay back, but that doesn’t mean you don’t try. Dig in and contribute wherever you can. Never free-load. That’s not who we are. Be brave and contribute your talent, treasure or whatever you can. Duty and compassion both demand it.


take advantage of the bike trail. Bike places as a family.


Quoting Glennon Doyle: “Things can feel hard and sad and still be exactly right, all at the same time.” She’s referring to her divorce but the sentiment applies to all kinds of tough choices that we all make. Very few choices feel 100% right.


Watch YouTube video on how to administer an Epi-pen injection. You have friends with allergies you may need to know how to do this.


My ballet teacher used to punish us by making us sit on the floor and hold our arms up. It hurts! But you learn how to sit with pain. You learn how to endure and how to use your mind to make your muscles really don’t want to do.

14, 20

I would rather deal with a big truth than a little lie. Whatever it is you’re going through we can solve it together but only if we’re both honest.


If it makes you happy it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else.

11, 14, 20

Shirts and pants don't go into the laundry inside-out. From now on, they will be responsible for turning their laundry right-side-out. Will help instill that laundry is not done by the laundry fairy.


Grandpa used to keep a hundred dollar bill stashed discreetly in his wallet “for emergencies.”


“The more you sweat, the less you bleed.” True in boxing and in life. Put the work in. No shortcuts.

14, 18, 21

Slip and Slide party!


Check in on your friends. Even the ones that seem fine.



Processing an emotion means you’re not acting on it or avoiding it, you’re just with it. I like to picture it as a person and then imagine having a cup of coffee or a beer with it. Hope this helps you. xoxo

13, 16

“Love is giving your heart without expectation.” - Dan Fogelman

16, 21

It’s best not to cuss but writing bad words is even worse than speaking them. Even in casual texting, etc. Always an asterisk in place of a vowel to avoid being rude.


Challenge yourself every day, in one way or another. Mentally (read!) Is there any room for growth in an area you are struggling with? physically (take your pick but never take stupid risks with your safety), emotionally (allow yourself to be vulnerable. Apologize.), spiritually (pray/meditate/ fast.)

13, 17, 21

NEVER sit while someone near you is working.


Always have a 5 year plan. Be thinking of goals you want to work towards, however big or small. What inspires you? What drives you? What do you want to accomplish or cure or solve?

15, 17, 21

Hydrolaunch Water Rocket outdoor sprinkler toy. Summer fun plus a little science lesson. On Amazon


Never resist a generous impulse.

9, 12, 19

You will come to rely on whatever you choose to help you feel better. You may even become addicted. So choose carefully. Rely on creative, positive, spirit-affirming practices to replenish yourself. Don’t fall in to the trap of alcohol/ food/gambling/smoking/sex/shopping, etc. to numb your pain or avoid dealing with difficulties. ________EVERYONE feels stress, anxiety, loss, despair, frustration and a while bunch of crappy feelings at some time or another. It’s okay to feel those things. But how you choose to DEAL with those feelings will determine a great deal in how happy your life will be.

12, 14, 16, 17, 21

Letting go isn’t something active. Rather, it’s something you stop doing. Stop hoping. Stop fooling yourself. Stop wishing things were different.

17, 21

“All the best things in life live on the other side of fear.” - Will Smith’s grandmother.


Read (or listen to) A Fragile Stone together.


Review basic grammar mistakes: Their, they’re and there. “It’s” and “its” “a lot”, etc.


Stuff will happen and you’ll think “I can’t get through this. I can’t go on.” In the moment it really feels that way. But ...You will survive. You’ll find a way. Never give up on yourself. I never will.



General rule for health and happiness: avoid excess.

10, 14, 17, 21

Attend a Pride parade.


Try out Petra Lingua online language courses for kids. (Ages 3-10)


Alcoholism and gambling addiction run in our family. Be very, very careful around booze and gambling.

14,16, 18, 21