Healing takes time. You can't rush it. Whether it's your body, your mind or your heart that's hurting... you just have to let it heal in its own time. What you CAN do is to take good care of yourself: eat, rest, stay close to loved ones. Do things that bring you joy. Revel in the smallest steps forward. You'll heal, things will get better. Trust. Love. Serve. Live.


Keep stuff on hand for guests. Be ready to be a good host / hostess at any moment.



Open a Bank Account


Try using “No doesn’t tell me your needs” when toddler / little kid disobeys. “Were you trying to be funny? Do you need a minute?”


If someone doesn’t want your attention or warrant your attention, don’t give it.


Consider the source. Consider whose company they are in. You may not know much about issue xyz but look and see who endorses them. If people you trust place trust in them.

11, 13, 15, 18, 21

Be yourself. No need to pretend to like something the crowd is doing. Half of them are probably just as unenthused as you are but are afraid to say so.

12, 15

Dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Unless you're a lifeguard. ;)

16, 21

The $@!#% never ends. Dealing with the $@!#% IS your job. If you think you’ll ever reach a “post-$@!#%” stage in your life, you’re wrong.

14, 19

“Forget about sex. Just play first.” Forget about making a move and just have fun. Dance, listen to music together, go somewhere exciting, look at something beautiful, read to each other, play sports, let yourself be seen and encourage them to do the same. Communicate in a hundred ways: talk/send texts/ post on social media, pass notes, whatever. Sex isn’t the door to intimacy, feeling safe to be yourself around your partner is.


Sex isn’t something you “score.” It’s not a competition. Whether the encounter is casual or within a committed relationship it’s something that is shared.

16, 19, 20

If it costs you your peace it’s too expensive.


Love isn’t enough but it’s a great start.


Ask your emotions “why” three times.

14, 16, 21

Sometimes, no matter how great a thing is it can’t make up for what it’s not.

14, 19, 21

It’s okay to feel jealous. Totally normal, totally human. Just never act on jealousy.

12, 14, 16, 19, 21

Review basic grammar mistakes: Their, they’re and there. “It’s” and “its” “a lot”, etc.


Men worry about getting laughed at or rejected by a woman. Women worry about getting killed when they reject a man. Let that sink in.

15, 21

Just focus on shining on your own terms. Your shine is not dependent on anyone or anything else.


Talk to him about applying to Democracy Summer program started by Rep. J. Raskin.


Big secret to happiness: Let other people talk sh*t about you. They have a right to an opinion and you have the right to ignore it. The only standards you have to live up to are your own.

12, 14, 17, 21

A person is only as good as how they treat you when they are angry with you.


To paraphrase Ted Lasso, it’s the people who think they’ve got it all figured out who delight in judging people and events. It’s better to be open minded, ask questions. Be curious, not judgmental.

15, 21

Get at least 2, preferably 3 estimates on any major expenses for home or car.


Google earth app means there's always a globe at hand. Point out states, countries or oceans when we hear about them.


Approach difficult conversations looking to learn something, not to prove something.

16, 21

Pool safety- never touch equipment and always have a grownup present when swimming.


“Where you stand depends on where you sit.” It means your personal situation informs your stance on issues. Try to imagine how you’d vote if you were sitting at a less privileged place.

15, 21

Think about God as the driver of our car or the pilot of a plane- He gets us through the storm, he shows us and encourages us to enjoy the beauty of the scenery. But all the while He keeps us with him. He doesn’t cause the storms, He gets us through them. We can trust in his goodness and wisdom even when the conditions are really scary.

5, 12

“People speak of hope as if it is this delicate, ephemeral thing made of whispers and spider's webs. It's not. Hope has dirt on her face, blood on her knuckles, the grit of the cobblestones in her hair, and just spat out a tooth as she rises for another go.” -unknown

17, 19, 21