Live a life of dignity and joy.

14, 21

You tackled a big project and you're wondering if it will be a success. Ask yourself: "Was I fair?" Was I kind?" " Did I put in the work?" If the answer is yes, then rest well, no matter what the outcome. If the answer is no, go back and fix it.


Remember that whoever you’re grieving would only want the best for you.


If you want to know what girls like, read the books they’re reading, watch the shows they watch, etc. Porn is entertainment *not* education. Movies books and shows marketed to 12 year-old boys get it wrong most of the time, can’t learn anything from them. Chick flicks is where you’ll find a little instruction on how to flirt in a non-creepy way, how to kiss, how to be in a healthy relationship. Study the difference between the male gaze vs female gaze.


I get it. It’s exhausting when they’re little. But you will never be so needed or so loved as you are during these years.

2, 3, 4

Just love ‘em up. Be patient and kind. Be present. Listen. Play. Take care of their needs. Each one will be different and need you in different ways. That’s all, just fill them with love and security and they’ll grow up beautifully.


“Vulnerability is not about winning or losing, it’s about showing up and being seen.” -Brene Brown Be vulnerable, that’s where the good stuff lies.


Grandpa used to keep a hundred dollar bill stashed discreetly in his wallet “for emergencies.”


Take the train to Roanoke.


I don’t remember much about my grandmother (Marie) but I recall her hands. Her ring fingers had a funny curve to them, bowed in a little at the top. My ring fingers do the same thing. I think of her every time I notice it.


Listen to books of love letters. I forget the title but one of the Bush twins wrote a book about her grandparents (George and Barbara). Stories about real love, real life. Fiction is great too but having a real world examples of happy partnerships is gold.


Look into "OK Go" videos.


Sometimes there’s nothing you can say or do to help someone feel better. In times like that, just make sure you don’t make it worse.

14, 18, 21

Just fill ‘em with love. Every other parenting mistake or deficit can be fixed, but if a child grows up thinking it’s not loved and doesn’t have a place in this world, that is a recipe for permanent and painful damage. Not necessarily “spoil” them, but cut them slack as often as possible. Just love ‘em up.


Read the Hobbit aloud with him. Afterward, encourage him to read The Lord of the Rings by himself.


Begin colon cancer screening at 40. We have a family history on both sides.


Practice real-life mental math: Calculate time / age: If someone was born in 1994 how old are they today? Make change in your head: Cost is 14.27, how much change do you have if you give the cashier 20 bucks? Calculate percentages: tips, tax brackets, sales!!

12, 14, 20

Practice not putting stuff off. If it takes 10 seconds or less do it now. Then move up to 30 seconds or less. Keep going up to ~3 minutes. Good example is putting away laundry or emptying dishwasher, etc.


Look into Space Camp for next year


Pedestrians get hit all the time. Be aware when you’re driving OR walking. Wear reflective gear if walking at night. Stay off your phone when driving OR walking.


Talk to them about how dangerous it is to buy pills online. Fentanyl is ubiquitous and lethal in small doses. Never never take a pull that wasn’t prescribed or purchased legally.


Your good name is the most important credential you’ll ever have. Act with integrity in all things, that ben if it means short-term pain. Build a reputation for honesty, dependability and trustworthiness.

14, 17, 20

Teach them that when we hear sirens it means someone is in trouble but help is on the way.


Introduction to 70’s Southern Rock. Skynyrd, Allman Bros, etc.


No matter how successful you become you’re still expected to act with integrity and respect.

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Spend time with people you admire, in person and biographies, documentaries, novels and movies.

14-17, 21

Yes, you’re beautiful. But that’s not ALL you are. And it isn’t all that’s expected of you. Surely you could “get by” on your looks. Is that what you want for yourself?

10, 15

“The more you sweat, the less you bleed.” True in boxing and in life. Put the work in. No shortcuts.

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Surround yourself with people, places and spaces that feed your spirit. At the very least, avoid those that drain your spirit.


There is an expression “God only gives you what you can handle.” I think that’s backwards. I think that God gives you the grace you need to handle whatever comes your way. He is faithful and generous. I think that’s what “Be not afraid” means.