Let’s talk about hungry kids. What can we do to help? Donate? Volunteer? Start a Little Free Pantry?


Just focus on shining on your own terms. Your shine is not dependent on anyone or anything else.


Highly recommend book about math and multiplication techniques:“The Best of Times” by Greg Tang.


"Love is nothing more and nothing less than relentlessly showing up for your people." - Glennon Doyle


I like to say a Hail Mary just to join the chorus, to add my voice to the millions who are praying in that moment. The world has plenty of people thinking or doing horrible things, we need to add to the good, add to the beauty as much as possible at every turn. Saying a quick prayer is sometimes all I can muster.


A red brow line is an early sleepiness cue. If you notice the skin around baby’s eyebrows seems red, they’re ready for a nap.


Be generous in all things. That is my hope for you.

14, 18, 21

When something is upsetting you...Name it...Take a deep breath...Imagine holding it gently in your hands. (This is a reminder to use this visualization myself and to teach it to you. I want to give you as many tools as I can to help you learn to cope with negative emotions in a healthy way.)



The only thing that matters is love. When we live with love - for God, for others and ourselves, that is what makes life worth living.


Everything not saved will be lost. This is true for documents in Word and in life.


Adopting a “do it right now” mentality has done wonders for my organization

10, 12, 16

Ask yourself "What kind of man do I want to be?"


Always hold the door open for the next person.



“You will use up everything you got trying to give people what they want.” —- Nina Simone


If someone doesn’t want your attention or warrant your attention, don’t give it.


Turn off main water line when you leave on vacation.


If you’re unable to help someone, help someone else. Throw some goodness or beauty in the bucket of humanity.


My mom did laundry twice a week: Tuesdays and Saturdays. She separated colors! It never piled up and we all had clean clothes. I do laundry daily, it's never done and we can't find what we need. Ask Grandma what was her secret to the science of laundry. Because it's now your job to do all your own laundry!


Sometimes you’ll be in the wrong side of history. When you discover you’re wrong, move to the right side of history. When I first started training as a nurse it was the early 1990’s. HIV/$@!#% was pretty new. I remember telling my fellow student I would double glove and take any “over the top” precautions I wanted to. That was my fear and ignorance talking. Amazing how cozy self-righteousness makes you feel. I was wrong. Always look at the issue through the lens of humanity.

16, 21

Let’s find an activity where you can work with your hands


Just for the record, I didn’t vote for Trump. I want my great-grandchildren to know that.



Stay away from anything or anyone that denies or disparages a person’s humanity. (Or a group’s humanity.)


“The next generation never learns anything from the previous one until it’s brought home like a hammer.” - Harry Truman

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Forget perfection. Nothing is perfect. No relationship, job, house, or day is perfect. Let go of expectations, be open to the mess.


Sometimes I think the best way to take care of them is to teach them to take care of others: Littler kids, sick or disabled, those who’ve been left out.

5-7, 1Infant-12

Learn how to sail together


Hand out tulip bulbs (or some sort of bulbs) at my funeral and ask people to plant a few in their yard. But NOT daffodils. I hate daffodils. And lilies, hate ‘em.) So tulips then.


Be respectful with regard to how you treat girls:. How you talk to them, how you talk about them, and even how you think about them.


I forget who said it but I love it: “I don’t know what I think until I write it down.” Paper and pen. Write. Keep it or burn it whatever you like. Journal or make a list or bullet points or narrative…whatever. Just write.

15, 21