My favorite actor was Robin Williams.


General rule for health and happiness: avoid excess.

10, 14, 17, 21

Connect with people however you can, in whatever way feels natural to you: Talk, listen, perform, compete, create, laugh, pray, explore, share your truth, acknowledge the divine in yourself and in everyone you meet.

16, 21

My dad was a Marine. He enlisted at 18 with his buddies during he Korean War. He was never a "typical" Marine, always a gentle spirit and rarely spoke about his days in Korea. One carry-over was kind of a little inside joke he had with his buddies in the war: They used the expression "Semper Fi" sarcastically, in the opposite way it's meant. When they said it to each other it meant "I got mine, you're on your own. Fend for yourself." We always used to joke about it too when little things happened like there was no more milk for the cereal, "Semper Fi." Of course the irony is that my dad and his Marine buddies were the very definition of faithful when it came to the big stuff. They just liked to joke about the little stuff. Still use it jokingly that way to this day.


Be supportive of someone who is trying to better themselves.


With toddlers (or teens), first acknowledge the emotion. Then deal with the behavior. Validate their feelings. Once everyone is calm, address the behavior and discuss consequences if appropriate.

2, 13, 17

Remember Mom's birthday


Remember your training and staying calm and kind is how you get through this. It’s all you need to excel. So do your homework, whatever it may be. Show up and have at it. Calm and kind, baby. You got this.

9, 12, 14, 18, 21

You can’t ask someone to change who they are before you live or accept them.

12, 15, 21

Watch the documentary Kelce (2023)


Read J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit together


I’d rather you be brave than perfect. Take chances. Fail, then pick yourself up and keep going.


When you feel hopeless that’s when you know it’s time to seek help. It’s a red flag in someone’s demeanor. Notify parents if you notice this feeling of deep despair in yourself or someone you know. Help really does help.

13, 15, 17, 19, 21

Sometimes good people aren’t a good match. It’s better for both of you if you’re honest with yourself and with them.

17, 21

Sit down together and write house rules on anger. We don’t hit or bite. Do we yell and slam doors? Name-call? Say “I don’t love you” ? Bad words? What’s appropriate anger and what’s unacceptable?


Give people the benefit of the doubt. Unless someone gives you a reason not to trust them, assign the best possible motive to their actions.


No matter how successful you become you’re still expected to act with integrity and respect.

14, 18, 21

“The beginning parts are always the scariest.” -Jackson Daily (kid reporter on Today Show.)

10, 12, 16

“Take the risks. Make the big moves, even if they’re small moves. Forge ahead with your lives in any and every direction that moves you. I’m asking you to be fearless.” - Rebecca Pearson (character from NBC tv drama ‘This Is Us’)


Teach car maintenance: Adding air to tires, checking oil, etc.


Try not to say insulting or hurtful things, but NEVER write them. (Texts, notes, emails, etc.)


Let's all go on a "complaining diet." See how long we can go without a complaint for a weekend. Repeat often.


You can’t be a good parent if you’re a miserable person. Take care of yourself. Make the changes necessary to get in a good place. Ask for help. The happier you are, the happier they will be.

1, 10, 15

Everybody emits energy. What sort of energy do you want to put out into the universe? Your thoughts, actions, prayers, struggles, laughter, etc. that’s all you. Your energy is all your own. Spend some time thinking about what kind of aura to want to have.


“If you can’t figure something out, figure out how to figure it out.” - Paul Graham


Read A Mother’s Reckoning by Sue Klebold (mother of Columbine shooter.)


Listen to Celebrate Calm podcasts for help dealing with defiance.

4, 9, 15

The biggest mistake I *never* made was in 1997. I was working two jobs: nurse and waitress. I was having an extremely difficult time in the nursing job. I struggled to understand it and made mistakes despite working long hard hours. My waitressing job was hard too, but it was fun! A great group of fun young people, we hung out and bonded. I was crushing hard on the bartender too! I decided to quit my nursing job and wait tables full time. (I had TWO college degrees at the time.) Not sure exactly what made me change my mind, but I didn’t do it. Instead I quit the restaurant (probably because I was heartbroken over the bartender!) and enrolled in graduate school. Kept my nursing job. There I met lifelong friends, and went on to be nursing director. That waitressing job was my escape hatch. The best I could imagine for myself was waiting tables full time! What a small SMALL world view. While I am VERY glad I didn’t quit the nursing job I hated, because that’s how I got you, I wish I had imagined a bigger, better option than waiting tables full time if I felt that I needed to quit nursing. Peace Corps, move to the city, SOMETHING brave and bold and exciting. All this is to say - widen your vision. There’s so much more to life than what is directly in front of you. Be bold. Be brave. I love you.

17, 20

Get up early on a Saturday and go downtown. See how fun it is to be up before the rest of the world.


When someone introduces themselves as transgender, it’s no big deal. Simply say “nice to meet you” or “cool.” Then politely ask “What are your pronouns?” And then you know how they prefer to be addressed.