Born To Dance has lessons and also does birthday parties. A dance class is a good way to get up and out of the house on Saturday mornings during the winter months. It'll be fun at this age - while he's still young enough to enjoy it without being self-conscious. Also a good way to get exercise before he's ready for organized sports.


Don’t bring a complaint without offering a solution.

17, 19, 21

Writing is re-writing

15, 18

Love isn’t enough but it’s a great start.


Re-Read "Girls and Sex: Navigating the New Landscape" by Peggy Orenstein.


Curate a presentation on heartbreak. Talk about heartbreaks endured by people we know, fictional characters, historical figures, etc. Point is to normalize it, prepare them for it and teach them that they will come out the other side.

14, 20

“When little people get overwhelmed by big feelings it’s our job to share our calm, not join their chaos.” L.R. Knost

1, 2, 3, 4, 10

Here’s the thing: some whacky $@!#% is about to go down. The next few years will be interesting, awesome and awful all at once. We will rely on kind and respectful communication, have as much fun as we can, forgive often, learn to let go and trust, and learn to be trustworthy. If necessary we will seek the advice of experts and the counsel of loved ones. Shifts can happen fast, for the better or worse. It seems like the end of the world but it’s not. You’re stronger and braver than you know.

11, 12, 13

“The more you sweat, the less you bleed.” True in boxing and in life. Put the work in. No shortcuts.

14, 18, 21

If you’re going to be wrong about someone, let it be because you believed the best of them. (Give people the benefit of the doubt.) put it this way— I’d rather be wrong about my husband being a moral person who would never cheat, then come to find out he had done, than I would like to be wrong about him being a horrible person only to find out later he was faithful all along.

20, 21

Kids (and people of all ages) need attention, affection and appreciation. It’s not all they need, but it’s a start!


Family trip to a NASCAR race..


Paradoxical Commandments by Kent Keith.


Maria Shriver has lots of great parenting advice. One of my favorites is (paraphrased): “Children need what you need: to be seen, to be talked to, to feel safe and loved.”


Try using “No doesn’t tell me your needs” when toddler / little kid disobeys. “Were you trying to be funny? Do you need a minute?”


There are all kinds of parenting and mommy blogs with good resources. A quick Google search will get you started.


When choosing a partner I think it's less important that you both "believe" the same things and more important that you VALUE the same things and share the same priorities.


Read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson together.


We can disagree with people and still be respectful of them. (When what they espouse is something that hurts people, that’s where you can draw the line.)


“All the best things in life live on the other side of fear.” - Will Smith’s grandmother.


Wintergreen snow sledding trip.


Cut people some slack, everyone is entitled to a bad day.


“Things are not perfect, because life is not TV and we are real people with scarred, worried hearts. But it’s amazing a lot of the time.” - Anne Lamott


Talk about how to be a good houseguest: Always bring something (food, wine, gift, etc) Make your bed, keep area clean. Enthusiastically accept your host’s hospitality but don’t make extra work for them. Contribute and pitch in where u can. Send a thank you note - or at very least, an email!


Be protective, never be possessive. watch out for your friends’ well-being, their good names, that’s what friends do. But friends don’t try to manipulate someone’s feelings, thoughts or actions.Same goes for romantic relationships.

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 21

Keep stuff on hand for guests. Be ready to be a good host / hostess at any moment.



If you want people to believe you, trust you and be able to depend on you, then you must have integrity. Integrity means that you tell the truth, don’t deceive or cheat, you keep your word and you pitch in to help with little things and big things without having to be asked. Who are the people you know who have integrity? Do you want to be a man of integrity?

13, 17

To paraphrase Chris Rock, “You don’t get points for NOT beating your wife.” Meaning, you’re EXPECTED to do the right thing. So do the right thing, without any expectation of praise.

14, 18

You have yet to meet so many parts of yourself. All kinds of different people, places and experiences will draw those parts out of you.

15, 18, 21

Ask “Is your belly full?” Instead of saying “Clean your plate!” Have them stay in touch with hunger/food connection.