People always say “Be yourself.” That’s good advice but really what does it mean? I think it’s easier to explain what it DOESN’T mean: When you’re being yourself you’re not pretending to be interested in something or someone you’re not. You’re not doing something just to please someone else (or just to tick them off.) You’re not wearing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. You’re not pretending to have fun when you’re not having fun. You’re not trying to impress anyone. You’re not trying to fade into the background. You’re not trying to change anything about yourself or someone else. I think that’s a good start. What does “being yourself” mean to you?

11-14, 18, 21

Teach tuck to drive


“Where you stand depends on where you sit.” It means your personal situation informs your stance on issues. Try to imagine how you’d vote if you were sitting at a less privileged place.

15, 21

Resist the urge to give unsolicited advice. Wait…this entire thing is unsolicited advice!


Kindness is key. Practice being kind even when you don't feel like it. Let's all encourage each other to be kind always. (Or learn how to take a walk or go to our room when we just can't be kind in that moment.)


Teach them about the law and how it applies to them: Here's what happens if you hurt someone, steal, drive drunk, use or sell drugs, sexting, etc.


Read biographies. So much to learn and discover by reading about the lives of great men and women. is a great resource. Amazon and The Learning Well also have great lists. Just Google "biographies for kids."


Consent is more than the literal

13, 14, 15, 16, 21

Purchase book "All Are Welcome" by Alexandra Penfold to prep him for kindergarten.


“It’s alright to be yourself. There ARE people in this world who will love you.” -Fred Rogers

12, 14, 17, 21

Sometimes I think the best way to take care of them is to teach them to take care of others: Littler kids, sick or disabled, those who’ve been left out.


Have dinner guests sign the under side of the dining room table. Let the kids’ friends sign too - or have their own version of a guestbook - the inside of a cabinet or the basement door, etc.

5, 12-14

Just because you miss your ex that doesn’t mean you want them back. Of course you miss someone you had a deep connection with.

17, 21

Listen to books of love letters. I forget the title but one of the Bush twins wrote a book about her grandparents (George and Barbara). Stories about real love, real life. Fiction is great too but having a real world examples of happy partnerships is gold.


Model being a considerate person.


Ladies, don’t waste a moment of your precious time trying to get a man’s attention. If he’s interested he will love heaven and earth to get YOUR attention. Save your energy for joy and work and learning and doing whatever floats your boat! Let him be the one to twist himself in knots.

15, 18, 20

Anger is the bodyguard of sadness.


Motivation: Just start. Two minutes. You don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going to give yourself a chance to feel good.


Highly recommend book about math and multiplication techniques:“The Best of Times” by Greg Tang.


Seek / Accept job offers that teach you something valuable. Now isn’t the time in your life to worry about the money or status. Get experience! Have fun, learn, grow, challenge yourself and try new things.


Great quote from a divorce coach: “Your life is bigger than one man.” Your life IS bigger than one relationship. Or one job.

16, 18, 21

Do the work. No short-cuts.


If you’re anything like the rest of your family you will have a lot of opinions -and that’s OK! Just remember a couple of things: First: you have a right to your opinion but you do not have a right to your own facts. facts matter. seek the truth even if i it means you are proven wrong. And second, with regard to opinions’s better to not express them so much if you can help it! You may be the first in the family to get this concept and put it into practice!


Quit trying to uncrazy the crazies

17, 21

Floss!!! All kinds of health benefits including decreased risk for heart disease and diabetes. Plus you get to keep your teeth. It's a no-brainer.

14, 18, 21

Something to remember on those days when the kids are making you nuts and you’re at the end of your parenting rope: “They love you no matter what. They always want to be close to you. Even when you’re screwing up, they still think you’re amazing. They want to be just like you when they grow up. You are their hero. You may be their mom, but they’re constantly reminding you of your worth.”


Ask them to think of foods that taste good and also foods that make them feel good. Involve them in lunchbox decisions, dinner planning and prep, etc. so they’re empowered by their food habits.


Learn how to quiet your demons / that voice that tells you you’re not good enough. Great resource is Dan Harris’ 2022 TED talk.

14, 19, 21

Consider what you value. Act accordingly.

10, 14, 17, 20

Be a safe place. Teach them to be a safe place too.