Walk up the Washington monument. No elevator!


Start a tradition of setting goals for Ne Year. Keep a notebook in with the Christmas ornaments and each year we all add in whatever we want to focus on: such as our resolutions, goals, hope or plans, etc. That will be something fun to do at the end of the year when we’re taking down the tree and putting away all the holiday stuff.


End of August by Robert Frost is one of my favorite poems.


A simple trick to calm your nerves: Name 5 things you can hear right now.



Take the train to Roanoke.


Are you proud of the work you did today? Were you respectful and kind? Did you tell the truth and look out for the little ones? If so, I’m happy. I don’t care one bit about grades.


Get up early on a Saturday and go downtown. See how fun it is to be up before the rest of the world.


“A recipe for being mistaken: 1. Dislike someone who's often right. 2. Never agree with someone you dislike.” ——- Paul Graham


There will be some losses or changes that completely shake you to the core. But remember that some bad experiences are like pooping your pants - Totally horrible but also kind of a relief.


Repeat after me: “I am beautiful I am loved I am safe I am free. I don’t need to be like them I just need to be like me.”

7, 8, 9, 13, 16

Teach them that when we hear sirens it means someone is in trouble but help is on the way.


It’s okay to take a beat, a pause before you answer: “Hold on, let me think about how this is going to work...” I’ve seen a lot of mistakes or loss of confidence in an employee because they just blurted out a guess or starting off in the wrong direction only to have to go back- just because the plan hadn’t been thought through. It only takes a minute.

15, 18, 20

“You belong in every room you enter.” - Shonda Rhymes


When the poop hits the fan, that's when real discipleship begins.


Bedtime often goes to sh*t in a hurry because kids are tired and parents are out of patience. Be kind. If your kids are anything like you, they’ll need extra tenderness at bedtime: cuddles, soft words, prayers. Forgiveness for the ridiculous tantrums over silly stuff. Take pity on them, their little bodies are tired and they haven’t learned how to function on empty.


Explain the concept: "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."


Worst thing in the world is spending your life with the wrong person.


Be ready to learn from around you. Curiosity = adventure. And when you’re curious, there’s no room for judgment.


Santa not being real https://i.pinimg.com/736x/73/39/2a/73392a10d420aed79074da6511b131a7.jpg


Find an activity / sport that they enjoy and support it. Get them outside and in the fresh air.


Sometimes you have to put aside how you feel about a person and objectively look at how their actions show how they feel about *you.*


My love for you will never run out - neither will God’s love / patience run out. I will always instruct, discipline and give consequences for bad behavior- because it’s my job to teach you. But there’s nothing you could do to lose my love. Remind them daily.


Jon Stewart talking about Bruce Springsteen at Kennedy Center Honors: “I didn’t understand his music for a long time. I didn’t understand it until I learned what it is to yearn.” That’s why art hits you differently at different ages. You filter the art through the lens of your life experience.

15, 21

Learn to recognize invitations from the Lord - invitations to look at beauty. Invitations for compassion, for learning and for love.


Spread kindness like confetti.

12, 21

Don’t worry if they’re not listening to what you say...They watch what you do. They study it.


True masculinity is vulnerable, compassionate and confident. Vulnerability takes courage. Kindness/compassion takes strength. Confidence: when you’re not really interested in what others think about you. It’s a natural byproduct of living in line with your own values and priorities.

11, 14, 16, 19, 21

Technology doesn’t remove the expectation of good behavior. Be mindful of your manners (and all of our collective humanity) when posting on social media. And no anonymous trolling. If you’re not prepared to sign your name to what you’re putting out there, that’s a good indication you shouldn’t be doing it.

13, 20

Remember to $@!#% the switch when you’re stuck: If you’re all up in your head, sad or anxious, do something physical. If you’re down with a physical problem, dive into your mind for diversion and healing.

11,14, 17, 21

Stuff will happen and you’ll think “I can’t get through this. I can’t go on.” In the moment it really feels that way. But ...You will survive. You’ll find a way. Never give up on yourself. I never will.